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The Marine Biology Minor

Short-cycle tertiary education (ISCED 2011 level 5)


Cost Calculate at Roger Williams University website

Dive headfirst into the study of oceanography, marine ecology, fisheries biology and more with a degree in Marine Biology.

Situated on Mount Hope Bay in RWU’s state-of-the-art Marine and Natural Sciences Building -- home to an aquatic animal diagnostic lab and the state’s only shellfish hatchery -- the Marine Biology program teaches students to discover the aquatic world through lectures, labs, fieldwork and independent research in preparation for careers as scientists and educators.

Research Opportunities

Marine Biology majors explore the unique challenges faced by organisms living in the marine environment and the methods by which they meet these challenges. Students begin the programs by obtaining a broad understanding of oceanographic principles, and through subsequent lectures, laboratories and field work, build on this knowledge for a more complete appreciation of the aquatic world. Undergraduate research is integrated into the Marine Biology curriculum, with opportunities for students to earn academic credit for doing research, to develop proposals and compete for small grants to fund their projects, and to present their findings at regional, national and international conferences.

Structurele componenten
Laboratory training
Research Project

Grant opportunities

RISE STEM Scholarship at RWU

RWU offers a scholarship opportunity for students interested in majoring in math, sciences, engineering, computer science or forensic science. Learn about the National Science Foundation RISE Scholars program, which recognizes, supports and empowers a group of academically talented students with financial need as they prepare to enter Research and Industry in Science and Engineering (RISE).

ISCED Categories

Conservatie en milieumanagement
Fysische en chemische oceanografie