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Doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas mención Sistemas Marinos Costeros (Doctorate in Applied Sciences mention Coastal Marine Systems )

PhD (ISCED 2011 level 8)


Duration 8 semesters
Entry level Master
Cost Registration Fee: $ 156,000 Annual program fee: $ 3,276,000 (Chilean peso)

This Doctorate program innovates in Chile in focusing, with a systemic vision, the advanced training of graduates, to undertake and innovate and to plan and develop original and independent research on the various scientific and technological issues and / or problems of Marine Systems Costeros and its services in order to ensure its sustainable productive development.

The lines of research developed by our academics are: Aquatic Ecology (Dynamics of populations, Communities, Ecosystems, Genetics, Evolution and Biogeography); Resource Management (Aquaculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology); Environment and Conservation (Eco toxicology / Pollution, Invasive Species, Paleo Oceanography and Sedimentology. Modeling, Extreme and Desert Environments, Biological Oceanography).

The program is taught at the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Biological Resources of the University of Antofagasta and is strengthened thanks to a wide national and international network of visiting professors. The University of Antofagasta is strategically located in the central zone of the Outcrop Ecosystem of the Humboldt Current, the most productive marine ecosystem in the world, and addresses studies in different disciplines of marine science, according to the lines of research already indicated.

Structural components

Grant opportunities

Program students can access CONICYT PhD scholarships and tuition fee reduction scholarships, financial aid scholarships and scholarships to attend conferences and research internships, financed by the University of Antofagasta.

More information:  Conicyt scholarships

Learning outcomes

The Doctor of Applied Sciences with a major in Coastal Marine Systems will have:

  • A general domain and broad, updated and critical knowledge in basic and applied sciences, with a strong orientation to solving applied scientific problems in SMC.
  • The ability to apply the scientific method in an appropriate and critical way in both basic and applied problems, including its field and laboratory methodologies.

And it will develop:

  • Critical ability to handle scientific and technical literature in SMC, being able to visualize its trends and borders.
  • Skills for oral and written communication of scientific and technical results of their own research, both in Spanish and English and in accordance with the standards established by high impact scientific journals.
  • Original and independent research, using analysis and experimental designs relevant to the problems of its development area.
  • It will contribute to society with efficient, creative and original solutions to the applied problems that characterize SMC, their management and impacts associated with their sustainable development.


The Doctorate in Applied Sciences with a mention in Coastal Marine Systems is aimed at candidates who have a Master's or Bachelor's degree in different areas of Sciences related to Coastal Marine Systems: Biologists, Marine Biologists, Ecologists ( Seafarers, Aquaculture Engineers, Oceanographers and other Professions and Degrees in related areas both nationally and abroad.

Each candidate will apply by filling out an application, accompanied by a letter explaining their motivations for developing this program as well as their projections. In turn, you will attach your CV, identity card, certificate of concentration of grades, professional title, and two letters of recommendation. These letters will be sent directly to the academic of the Program, Dr. Pedro Echeveste (, with at least one of them coming from an academic from their home university.

The shortlisted candidates will be subjected to an interview with the Program Commission, which will make it possible to assess the candidate's scientific maturity.


REQUIRED DOCUMENTS : 2020 application documents.




REQUIRED DOCUMENTS 2020 : Documents required 2020.


ISCED Categories

Conservation and environmental management
Offshore and renewable energy