The Caribbean & North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems project´s (CLME+) objective is to catalyze implementation of Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the sustainable management of shared living marine resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems.
The CLME+ Training and Capacity Development (TCD) Portal was implemented through a two years agreement between the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission – IOC of UNESCO and the Ghent University, including a technical development and a sustainability and maintenance plan.
The aim of the CLME+ TCD Portal is to bridge the information gap between "those (marine practitioners) in search of training opportunities" and "those providing training and capacity building initiatives."
This way, the platform will help to enhance institutional and stakeholder capacity for sustainable and climate-resilient marine resources management in the wider Caribbean /CLME+ Region at regional, sub-regional, national and local levels, and thus, ultimately contributing to the long-term CLME+ Vision of a "healthy marine environment that supports the livelihoods and well-being of the Peoples from the region."
Expected core beneficiaries of the platform include - but are not limited to - professionals at Governmental Departments/Ministries in all countries from the wider Caribbean, at Inter-Governmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations / Civil Society Organizations working on the marine environment.
The platform will be available for operational use from 10th December 2020, and a Webinar for launching is planned for the 15th December 2020, with a communications and outreach call for extended use and contribution to the portal.
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