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Launch of the Global Science Report 2020

14 December 2020


Paris 07, FR
organizer IOC of UNESCO
celebration 60th anniversary in 2020
interpretation English, French, Spanish, Russian, please download the latest version of ZOOM:


14 December 2020 
14:00 - 16:00 -
 Paris Time

The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2020. The Commission was created within UNESCO to promote coordinated international research about the global ocean and its various basins, based on the pioneer experiences of the International Geophysical Year (1957-58) and the first International Indian Ocean Expedition.

Over the past decades, IOC has advanced science and its applications to support sustainable economic and social progress, the basis of peace between nations, and sustainable development. While there has been progress on many fronts and numerous successes, IOC’s mission is ever-so-necessary and urgent in the face of continuous declines in ocean health and in the midst of a planetary crisis.

The 60th Anniversary of IOC is an opportunity to take stock of what has been achieved and look forward to a UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) filled with challenges and opportunities.

To mark this special event, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Global Ocean Science Report 2020 (GOSR2020), IOC-UNESCO’s flagship report, which assesses the status and trends in ocean science capacity around the world and charts the possible pathways for the international community to deliver on the sustainable development goals.

The GOSR2020 is the result of the enthusiastic collaboration among leading scientists from around the word, coordinated by IOC. This report is a resource for policymakers, academics and other stakeholders seeking to assess progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, in particular SDG target 14.a.

By analysing the workforce, infrastructures, equipment, funding, investments, publications, data flow and exchange policies, as well as national strategies, the GOSR monitors our capacity to understand the ocean and seize new opportunities. In its second edition, the GOSR2020 addresses four additional topics: contribution of ocean science to sustainable development; blue patent applications; extended gender analysis; and capacity development in ocean science.

The GOSR2020 will be available on 14 December 2020 at



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