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Breaking down the Silos for More Effective Multi Hazard Early Warning

08 July 2021


Cartagena de Indias, CO
Hosted by IOC of UNESCO Sub commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions- IOCARIBE Virtual meeting by ZOOM platform Simultaneous interpretation will be provided: English, Spanish, and French

The Oceans are Crying and People are Dying” (Sharlene DaBreo, 2020). We need to act with urgency to protect life and livelihoods from Ocean related threats. It means moving beyond business as usual, in terms of both actions and outcomes, for a true revolution in ocean science in support of long-lasting impacts. To meet its ambition, the UN Ocean Decade is to harness and stimulate innovative ocean research, from co- design to co-delivery, to achieve a safe ocean, as well as to contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This virtual session will result in a short regional discussion paper that will include clear recommendations and guidance for the enhancement and development of MHEWS. This could include the identification of priority issues and recommendations for the development of regional actions as well as on how we can foster multi-stakeholder participation. These short regional discussion papers (in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese) will be prepared in close collaboration with the co-convener of the regional session.
