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Data management and publication through the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN)



Course format Online
Date 2022-11-07 - 2023-11-18
Duration 20 hours across 2 weeks
Entry level Bachelor
Cost No tuition fees

The training course provides an introduction to (genetic) data management and publication through the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN), as well as an introduction to the GGBN and the use of its data portal, the data standards and several case studies from Latin American institutions that have published data from different types of collections through the GGBN. The course purpose is to give the necessary foundations to professionals from Latin America to use the GGBN data infrastructure for publishing and giving visibility to the information they preserve.

Application procedure

Interested candidates should apply for the course by filling in the online form not later than 17 October 2022 (23:59 Central European Time (CEST)).


ISCED Categories
